Partnering with Supreme Intelligence
3-Day Live Event in Vancouver
- The event was held in Vancouver, BC – September 30 through October 1, 2023
You will learn to heal yourself and also to heal others.
- The event is not scripted and will be determined by the attendees each time.
All the events are downloaded and each event turns out differently according to the people in the room.
Space will be limited at this event in order to practice better and with ease.
If you are called to do so then reserve your seat now!
Event Testimonials
Said Yes to the Calling

I attended Joseph Boutros Agape’s Partnering with God event – the same event as the Partnering With Supreme Intelligence 3-Day event today with a name change – on a very special day of the year, the most beautiful soul awakening and remembering experience which I will cherish for the rest of my life. Each day brought me closer to my truth, my calling, and my shedding and reawakening of different cells in my body, mind and soul. It is sad that walking and trusting the spiritual path is not for the faint-hearted. Having to face my own victim mentality and itching urgency to get out of it led me to experience a beautiful heart chakra activation on the second day with a sense of solar plexus chakra connection. I suffered enough, and the opportunity has been offered to me in this workshop to do a different Life for thyself. I have to run with it. I gained confidence, I gained knowledge about my birthright, I gained the experience on a conscious and self-aware level of how it feels to sit on top of the mountain and experience it all, the ever-loving God’s presence. I learned that I have a Choice to make life the best journey possible. Joseph has a very nurturing and life-loving personality, so much knowledge, so many tools, and a beautiful healing journey through the paintings that he shared so generously throughout the event with me. If you are contemplating on embarking on a healing journey with him, please do not hesitate and wait. Make the right move. Partnering with God is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I’m so grateful I said yes to the calling. Thank you, Joseph!
-Orsolya Weitz
My Heart Listens More Deeply

What does it mean to BE awakened? What does it mean to honour the power inside me? I thought I knew. Now, thanks to Joseph Ghabi, at Soul Awakening and the Partnering with God program, I feel Spirit much more deeply within me. My heart listens more deeply and speaks more eloquently. Amazing the love and strength that I am now finding within myself is much, much stronger then it was at the beginning of the three-day program. My connection with Self, Spirit and the Divine feels divinely guided.
Thank you, Joseph Boutros Agape, for truly Partnering with God to create hotspot possibilities for unfoldment.
-Carol Metz Murray
My Soul Felt Relieved

On 29 and 30 of September, I attended Joseph Boutros Agape’s Partnering with Supreme Intelligence 3 Day event.
On the first day, my body was lost and searching for shelter. What I was looking for was what I found the next day.
I found psychological comfort when I isolated myself from my inner world and abandoned people, just as a wounded deer turns away from its herd and hides in its cave until it recovers or dies. My soul felt relieved to join other souls and share that positive energy with them.
Thank you, Joseph Boutros Agape, and all my co-creative attendees.
-Artista Souma
Incredibly Powerful

Recently, I attended the “Partnering With Supreme Intelligence” event in Vancouver and found Joseph Boutros Agape‘s process of using his art in combination with healing techniques to be incredibly powerful. I feel that this approach is ground-breaking and more effective than other modalities that I’ve experienced.
The event was instrumental in shifting my outlook from hopeful to confident. I now have a go-to space within me where I can summon the trust that everything will work out when I allow it to. During the event, I also more fully embodied the decision that I am my own authority, rather than some external force. My interaction with others during the weekend enriched the entire experience, as each person added something of value that I am very grateful for.
Thank you, Joseph, for offering your mastery to us, and thank you for everyone’s support.
-Maura Christina Ryan
Beyond Stellar

The recent Partnering with God event is beyond stellar, a must with attending, and myself, being ready within, opened up a whole new playing field; especially while being on the Light Seat! The questions, answers, insights and downloads all nailed to a T! The recent new walls and inner resistances broken through, and turn of events being a blessing in disguise. The willingness on my part to keep persevering and pushing through my own resistances, stuck-ness, unconscious and limiting beliefs, and blinders, finally and thankfully released in ways only the Universe does its best!
This particular event being exactly what I required hearing, receiving, clarity of messages and authentic inner standing of the messages received. With immense gratitude, this event really impacted me physically; with the necessary, recent inner work done, and now reaping the fruits of my intense inner labor. I must clarify and be upfront, the deep-rooted inner work, authentic diligence and commitment being required to gain the best benefit, growth, profound experience and vital steps moving forward during and after your event!
In a long time, this felt like a genuine tipping point gaining momentum, re-claiming my own inner power, and being solid in the next growth phase of my life. There are no skipping steps of growth, and the vital action steps required to stay within the game of life, connection with my Soul, and God’s grace being in my life.
Completely outstanding Joseph Boutros Agape; thank you, thank you, thank you!
-Stefan Sczyrba
Stoked My Fire Within

It goes without saying that after 3 days in Partnering with Supreme Intelligence, facilitated by Joseph Boutros Agape, transformations occur. My experiences “stoked my fire within.” The memories created and the feelings felt are forever embedded into my heart. My Soul says ‘thank you’. The creation of art can create transformation. Thank you everyone.
-Carol Metz Murray
I Walked Out a Different Person

What an absolutely amazing weekend … 3-day workshop “Partnership with Supreme Intelligence” with Joseph Boutros Agape at the Granville Island Hotel … ending on my 56th birthday (Oct 1) … going into my 9 year. Wow! Words are not enough. I walked out a different person. My heart was opened. I surrendered. I trusted. I let go. I chose to stand up & be seen. I healed & was healed. And using Joseph’s Quantum Healing paintings was beyond moving. Thank you to all who joined me this weekend… to completing our soul agreements.
-Yohanna Hestler
Transformation Made Me Speechless

Wow! This weekend was like no other. Joseph’s “Partnering with Supreme Intelligence” event this weekend was so moving for me. I have had the pleasure of knowing Joseph for many years and had attended different events, but nothing like this weekend. The transformation that happened for me has made me speechless. All I keep saying is wow. Those three days had a different level of releasing for me and awareness of my true gifts. Seeing the others’ transformation over the weekend was incredible too. My gratitude, my appreciation, and my thankfulness to you, Jospeh is beyond words, ( I do wish I had taken pictures of the different paintings I work with, but I did enjoy not using my phone as much.) Thank you, Joseph and everyone who was there. This was an “uplifting” weekend!
-Kelly-May Glover
Higher Level of Consciousness

I attended Joseph Boutros Agape‘s Partnering with Supreme Intelligence 3 Day event this last weekend. I experienced and witnessed my new reality for myself. I am so humbly grateful. I received my gifts through the Portal in the activated Quantum Divine painting. I felt the physical impact in my body. My resonance is empowered and expanded. My energy, vibration, and frequency connection to Supreme Intelligence and Universal Unconditional Love is activated at a much higher level of consciousness. My mission to serve humanity is activated.
-Marc Gordon Rossum
Amazed with the Energy

Joseph Boutros Agape (Ghabi) Quantum Healing paintings are powerful. I had the opportunity to work with one of Joseph’s paintings in his workshop “Partnering with God” last weekend and was amazed with the energy. The energy when I placed my hands on the painting and the healing that took place for me, was incredible. It was nothing like I have experienced before with Art. I purchased this painting, and I continue to feel the healing energy it brings to my home. Thank you, Joseph.
-Kelly-Mae G.