
Manifesting Miracles: A Life Transformed with Heaven on Earth Program

Wow! This program brought together so many basic concepts with an easy, step-by-step approach. Joseph has a way of presenting an outcome using only the most basic building blocks without unnecessary information. The discussions were engaging, the exercises extremely useful, and the meditations powerful. From about the second week right through to the end of the program, I manifested several gateways to turn my finances around into an upswing, finally! I also experienced forward momentum in terms of my health which is extraordinarily welcome and even more important. These were the two main areas I focused on during the course, yet I initiated changes in other aspects of my life as well as a result of this work.

This program is a must-have if you’re serious about moving forward. The practices are simple, and I plan to continue integrating them … forever. Thanks, Joseph!

P.S. The crown chakra meditation series, which came just before this program, also helped open things up for me.

-Maura Christina Ryan

This Challenge Was More Healing Than I Could Have Ever Imagined

“I have just completed the 5-day Sacral Chakra Challenge. This challenge was more healing than I could have ever imagined. I came to the understanding of the importance of balancing the sacral chakra. Since this chakra covers our emotional, compassionate, sensitive, many, and creative selves, a lot of my fears and insecurities that were formerly hidden have now surfaced. Joseph’s knowledge and expertise paired with his meditations through his artwork – a very unique & innovative approach, I may add, brought revealing and profound results. Through Joseph’s guidance through all the colors and geometric shapes of his art, I was able to attain deeper and more effective healing. Joseph does not beat around the bush when communicating with you. He is direct, and truthful and assists in advancing you from staying stuck in your story. He elevates us to be the most empowered individuals and helps to reveal the unique selves we always were and are. I highly recommend you take this challenge. Cheers!”

-Kindly, Pasqualina

A Powerful Tool for Healing

“Joseph’s 5-day Base Chakra Activation challenges are a powerful tool for healing. They focus on one topic and blitz it from five different perspectives. Each session contains a meditation that helps you to find the answers from within. Joseph’s presentation is uncompromising and indeed challenging, but he is there to clarify and support. A challenge not to be missed if you are serious about your healing journey!”

-Kathryn Douglas Cleary

Permit Yourselves to Do Instead of Just Be

“I just completed the 5-day Base Chakra Activation Challenge. I am so grateful and blessed for this challenge. It was exhilarating! Through Joseph’s unique, guided meditations, going through a portal in one of his Quantum Divine Energetic Arts. Joseph’s exceptional approach to his guided meditations is second to none. I experienced many emotions while clearing and approaching my body, mind, and soul. I laughed, cried, felt sadness & grief, and even danced like crazy. I also released pain from my body that I had carried for years. Literally! Joseph did a fantastic job condensing this program from several weeks to just 5 days, enabling more people to participate, heal, and grow. Thanks to this program, I came to realize the further I got away from my soul’s path, the greater the symptoms came and the sicker I got. I now respect and honor myself for having the courage to take action. Not only did I hear my intuition, but I finally decided to follow my intuition. I trust you want the same for yourselves. Step forward into who you really are and take Joseph’s challenges. Permit yourselves to do instead of just be. Thank you, Joseph!”

-Kindly, Pasqualina Scala

You Will Learn That You Are Limitless

“Abundance. What does abundance mean to you? Did you know there are different kinds of abundance? And how do you cultivate them?

You will learn the answers to all these questions (and much more!) in Joseph’s Quantum Jump Abundance Challenge. I recently completed this 5-day challenge and it was well worth it. I had already known that it is our birthright to be abundant. What I didn’t know, until I took this challenge, is that I had been nurturing the wrong kind of abundance – abundance of lack!

During this challenge you will develop a deeper understanding of emotional, mental, spiritual and material abundance. Through Joseph’s profound and empowering meditations, you will shift your abundance of lack and realize your true potential. You will learn that you are limitless.

I highly recommend taking this challenge. You owe it to yourself to be the best that you can be through self-love, self-respect and kindness towards yourself. Thank you Joseph!”

-Kindly, Pasqualina

I Feel Grounded and Open to All Possibilities

“Joseph is amazing! I just finished the 5-Day Quantum Jump Challenge on Abundance! Joseph uses his artwork to take you on a journey of exploration and healing. You go through this process with your higher self for direction and support! I feel grounded and open to all possibilities! I would highly recommend Joseph! I’ve have worked with other healers, but he is authentic and the real deal!”

-Barbara Dinapoli

You’ve Got to Experience This!

I just completed Joseph’s 5-Day Meditation Challenge, and he has surpassed himself (if that’s even possible). The deep meditations enabled me to embody the changes I wanted to make in each session and provided me with an awareness that the energy shifts were complete. The discussions during our calls were also very valuable in helping me connect the dots on things that had previously eluded me, and allowed me to let go of old perceptions and embrace new ones instantaneously. What an experience! Joseph, thank you so much for creating this challenge so masterfully. It has helped me to step over the edge of self-doubt and fear into trusting that I am supported each step of the way.

I love meditations, yet Joseph’s guided meditations using Quantum Healing Art are at a whole new level. Experiencing each one brings me through a much deeper meditative and healing process, in which I’m in closer connection with my guidance and creativity. In addition, my ability to get faster energy shifts and results has magnified. For example, after five deep-dive meditations using Quantum Healing Art, I immediately cleared significant respiratory symptoms that I’d had for over 3 months. If you’d like to experience a more profound inner connection and faster results, this is for you!

-Maura Christine Ryan

Healing Meditations Are Nothing Short of Priceless

Thank you, Joseph, for attending your recent 5-Day Meditation Challenge. You certainly over-delivered! Throughout the group calls, sharing your valuable insights and active involvement created a great atmosphere, and enhanced clarity, and the topics covered in your healing meditations are relevant, impactful, and nothing short of priceless. I‘m grateful for participating in the challenge and the profound shifts it has facilitated in my life. Thank you, Joseph, for your unwavering commitment with guiding others on their self-discovery healing journey. I’m blissed and thankful for having crossed your path. 

-Stefan Sczryba

The Healing and Releasing Continue Even After the 5 Days Have Passed

True to my word here it is 🙂

I just completed Joseph’s 5-Day Meditation Challenge. What a ride! The meditations focused on health, abuse and self-punishment. I have finally allowed myself to release so much physical pain and emotional suffering. The profound and transformative meditations, along with Joseph’s guidance, expertise and knowledge enabled me to feel safe and accepting of the healing. I highly recommend this 5-day challenge to anyone who has been wondering how to let go of “old baggage” once and for all. My ride hasn’t stopped yet. The healing and releasing continue even after the 5 days have passed. So empowering! Are YOU up for the challenge?

In kindness and gratitude – Pasqualina Scala

Joseph is an Amazing Healer!

“Joseph is an amazing healer! I’ve been working with him for a few weeks. I started with one issue, and more started to surface. My knee pain is almost gone; it was extremely painful when we started. I quit drinking. It’s been a month, and I don’t even think about it. I quit my job and moved all in one week. Both were very toxic environments. I am very grateful for Joseph’s help.”

-Barbara Dinapoli

Said Yes to the Calling

I attended Joseph Boutros Agape’s Partnering with God event – the same event as the Partnering With Supreme Intelligence 3-Day event today with a name change – on a very special day of the year, the most beautiful soul awakening and remembering experience which I will cherish for the rest of my life. Each day brought me closer to my truth, my calling, and my shedding and reawakening of different cells in my body, mind and soul. It is sad that walking and trusting the spiritual path is not for the faint-hearted. Having to face my own victim mentality and itching urgency to get out of it led me to experience a beautiful heart chakra activation on the second day with a sense of solar plexus chakra connection. I suffered enough, and the opportunity has been offered to me in this workshop to do a different Life for thyself. I have to run with it. I gained confidence, I gained knowledge about my birthright, I gained the experience on a conscious and self-aware level of how it feels to sit on top of the mountain and experience it all, the ever-loving God’s presence. I learned that I have a Choice to make life the best journey possible. Joseph has a very nurturing and life-loving personality, so much knowledge, so many tools, and a beautiful healing journey through the paintings that he shared so generously throughout the event with me. If you are contemplating on embarking on a healing journey with him, please do not hesitate and wait. Make the right move. Partnering with God is a once-in-a-lifetime event, and I’m so grateful I said yes to the calling. Thank you, Joseph!

-Orsolya Weitz

My Soul Felt Relieved

On 29 and 30 of September, I attended Joseph Boutros Agape’s Partnering with Supreme Intelligence 3 Day event. 

On the first day, my body was lost and searching for shelter. What I was looking for was what I found the next day.

I found psychological comfort when I isolated myself from my inner world and abandoned people, just as a wounded deer turns away from its herd and hides in its cave until it recovers or dies. My soul felt relieved to join other souls and share that positive energy with them. 

Thank you, Joseph Boutros Agape, and all my co-creative attendees.

-Artista Souma

Incredibly Powerful

Recently, I attended the “Partnering With Supreme Intelligence” event in Vancouver and found Joseph Boutros Agape‘s process of using his art in combination with healing techniques to be incredibly powerful. I feel that this approach is ground-breaking and more effective than other modalities that I’ve experienced. 

The event was instrumental in shifting my outlook from hopeful to confident. I now have a go-to space within me where I can summon the trust that everything will work out when I allow it to. During the event, I also more fully embodied the decision that I am my own authority, rather than some external force. My interaction with others during the weekend enriched the entire experience, as each person added something of value that I am very grateful for.

Thank you, Joseph, for offering your mastery to us, and thank you for everyone’s support.

-Maura Christina Ryan

I Walked Out a Different Person

What an absolutely amazing weekend … 3-day workshop “Partnership with Supreme Intelligence” with Joseph Boutros Agape at the Granville Island Hotel … ending on my 56th birthday (Oct 1) … going into my 9 year. Wow! Words are not enough. I walked out a different person. My heart was opened. I surrendered. I trusted. I let go. I chose to stand up & be seen. I healed & was healed. And using Joseph’s Quantum Healing paintings was beyond moving. Thank you to all who joined me this weekend… to completing our soul agreements.  

-Yohanna Hestler

Transformation Made Me Speechless

Wow! This weekend was like no other. Joseph’s “Partnering with Supreme Intelligence” event this weekend was so moving for me. I have had the pleasure of knowing Joseph for many years and had attended different events, but nothing like this weekend. The transformation that happened for me has made me speechless. All I keep saying is wow. Those three days had a different level of releasing for me and awareness of my true gifts. Seeing the others’ transformation over the weekend was incredible too. My gratitude, my appreciation, and my thankfulness to you, Jospeh is beyond words, ( I do wish I had taken pictures of the different paintings I work with, but I did enjoy not using my phone as much.) Thank you, Joseph and everyone who was there. This was an “uplifting” weekend!   

-Kelly-May Glover

Stoked My Fire Within

It goes without saying that after 3 days in Partnering with Supreme Intelligence, facilitated by Joseph Boutros Agape, transformations occur. My experiences “stoked my fire within.” The memories created and the feelings felt are forever embedded into my heart. My Soul says ‘thank you’. The creation of art can create transformation. Thank you everyone.

-Carol Metz Murray

Higher Level of Consciousness

I attended Joseph Boutros Agape‘s Partnering with Supreme Intelligence 3 Day event this last weekend. I experienced and witnessed my new reality for myself. I am so humbly grateful. I received my gifts through the Portal in the activated Quantum Divine painting. I felt the physical impact in my body. My resonance is empowered and expanded. My energy, vibration, and frequency connection to Supreme Intelligence and Universal Unconditional Love is activated at a much higher level of consciousness. My mission to serve humanity is activated.

-Marc Gordon Rossum

Amazed with the Energy

Joseph Boutros Agape (Ghabi) Quantum Healing paintings are powerful.  I had the opportunity to work with one of Joseph’s paintings in his workshop “Partnering with God” last weekend and was amazed with the energy. The energy when I placed my hands on the painting and the healing that took place for me, was incredible. It was nothing like I have experienced before with Art. I purchased this painting, and I continue to feel the healing energy it brings to my home. Thank you, Joseph.

-Kelly-Mae G.

Kelly-Mae G.

My Heart Listens More Deeply

What does it mean to BE awakened? What does it mean to honour the power inside me? I thought I knew. Now, thanks to Joseph Ghabi, at Soul Awakening and the Partnering with God program, I feel Spirit much more deeply within me. My heart listens more deeply and speaks more eloquently. Amazing the love and strength that I am now finding within myself is much, much stronger then it was at the beginning of the three-day program. My connection with Self, Spirit and the Divine feels divinely guided.

Thank you, Joseph Boutros Agape, for truly Partnering with God to create hotspot possibilities for unfoldment.

-Carol Metz Murray

I Discovered ME

The Feminine. She called! I could hear her calling as I gazed into the magic of “The Feminine”. I listened to the calling, yet, I struggled to hear and feel her message. Yet, I felt I was getting closer. When I allowed myself to step fully into and through the portal, I discovered ME, all that I AM and all that I AM BEING and so much more. Thank you Joseph Agape Ghabi for BEING the conduit to creatively BE the deliverer of Divine messaging. When the student is ready the teacher appears. 

-Carol Metz Murray

Carol Metz Murray

Transformative Power of Creative, Exquisite Artwork

Joseph Boutros Agape’s artwork embodies a profound, divine energy that resonates deeply within those who encounter it. Recently, I had the opportunity to engage with one particular piece of art, and it swiftly unraveled unresolved past experiences within me. Through meditation and personal reflection while beholding the painting, it acted as a catalyst, triggering the emergence of long-held emotional and mental imprints. These emotional and picture files appeared suddenly, only to be rapidly processed and divinely cleared from my energetic field.

Undoubtedly, this new phase of healing, which combines the transformative power of creative, exquisite artwork with embedded 5D consciousness energies, embodies quite the positive impression. The remarkable aspect of a simple gaze into these paintings, effortlessly elicits a plethora of emotions and memories from my own life, allowing for profound insights and a divine sense of closure from within.

This artwork exists in a realm of it’s own, surpassing ordinary creations, and bestowing upon a special privilege and a genuinely felt gift from the depths of my being.

-Stefan Sczyrba

Stefan Sczyrba 

Beyond Stellar

The recent Partnering with God event is beyond stellar, a must with attending, and myself, being ready within, opened up a whole new playing field; especially while being on the Light Seat! The questions, answers, insights and downloads all nailed to a T! The recent new walls and inner resistances broken through, and turn of events being a blessing in disguise. The willingness on my part to keep persevering and pushing through my own resistances, stuck-ness, unconscious and limiting beliefs, and blinders, finally and thankfully released in ways only the Universe does its best!

This particular event being exactly what I required hearing, receiving, clarity of messages and authentic inner standing of the messages received. With immense gratitude, this event really impacted me physically; with the necessary, recent inner work done, and now reaping the fruits of my intense inner labor. I must clarify and be upfront, the deep-rooted inner work, authentic diligence and commitment being required to gain the best benefit, growth, profound experience and vital steps moving forward during and after your event!

In a long time, this felt like a genuine tipping point gaining momentum, re-claiming my own inner power, and being solid in the next growth phase of my life. There are no skipping steps of growth, and the vital action steps required to stay within the game of life, connection with my Soul, and God’s grace being in my life.

Completely outstanding Joseph Boutros Agape; thank you, thank you, thank you!

-Stefan Sczyrba

Stefan Sczyrba

This is the Future of Healing

This is wild and exciting territory, as I recently experienced Joseph’s new cutting-edge Quantum Healing Art meditations. I am confidently stating I required several days to remotely comprehend and integrate the sheer magnitude of what’s possible in the 5D quantum leap in healing.

After an extensive amount of personal healing, one of the new Quantum Healing Art meditations cleared out energetically the initial Soul experience and collective past 495 Soul lifetimes in one go. This is not for the faint of heart, as I required wearing a couple of seat belts to harness the 5D healing energies.

Joseph’s Quantum Healing Art meditations clearly set the new bar for unparalleled healing and fast-tracking the 5D process.

This is the future of healing, and it’s here now….

Truly thankful and grateful,
Stefan Sczyrba

Title: Alignment with SELF And SOUL
Dimensions: 40” X 30” X 1.5”
Painted: 01/16/2022


“I received the commissioned painting from Joseph Boutros Agape in January 2022.

At the time of receiving it, he said that he had engineered the painting to capture my specific energy, and not what I thought I wanted, but what my Soul desired for me. I believed him, as time and time again through Joseph’s healing programs, he spoke well beyond my masks to the core of my Soul. I saw that in fact this painting was unique. I had originally asked for the painting to be activated with Love and Prosperity, and I felt immediately that it was designed for that but way, way more. At the time of receiving it, I struggled with feelings of being internally rigid and numb, specifically in certain areas of love for myself and others. Life taught me to build many walls of protection around my heart. Yet this painting with all of its flows, rhythms and high energy, was mirroring something that spoke directly to my Soul. 

Unbeknownst to me, what I truly wanted from the core of my heart was expression, aliveness, collaboration, inclusion, truth, trust, and to be a witness of eternal life. Little did I know back then that this painting and I would experience a journey together.

At some point, just coming into May 2022, and over a few months of gazing into the painting, I had taken it down from my living room wall in frustration and disbelief that anything outside of myself could hold any power. That evening, I had placed the painting on the floor behind a chair in my bedroom. When I went to sleep that night, I had the most relaxed and wonderful sleep I have had in years. My programs of subconscious paranoia that ‘something was going to go wrong,’ were relaxed. The learning for me was in the proof and awareness that everything holds energy. Natural healing exists all around us, in fruits, flowers, roots and trees. With intention we can activate certain items with elevated energy. I was encouraged further to be open to the painting’s potential and to be wise to its power to heal many aspects of my life. If you can be sensitive enough to perceive an energy, it is a mirror to your own power and gifts within you. 

Thank you, Joseph, for this priceless commissioned art that truly mirrors my energy and prompts me to embrace, to let go, and to touch my Soul again and again. I feel truly loved, embraced and seen through my reflection in this painting. Today, I can honestly say that your painting has become an active, reflective part of my life, as I am a living witness of my evolution into a joyful, expressive and happy individual connected to my powerful and eternal Soul!”

Yasmeen Nawaf Beyhum, British Columbia, Canada

Title: Ethereal Jellyfish
Abstract Acrylic Energetic Painting
18″ X 36″X 1.5” / 45.72 cam X 91.44 cm X 3.81 cm Canvas
Painted: 10/02/2019


“I just hung up from a call with my sister, Debbie. She was diagnosed bipolar schizophrenic at the age of 18 but by no means does that diagnosis define her. She makes me laugh on a daily basis and tells me stories I would not have otherwise known, but this was not always the case. Not until recently, in fact, after I sent her photograph of a painting, I asked Joseph to program with my sister in mind.

At the time, our conversations were strained and often cut short after Debbie became argumentative or accusatory. This brought me back to the days when I lived with her mental illness, and frankly it frightened me. I wasn’t sure if she was taking her medication or if it was working, so I reached out to Joseph. I had already experienced miraculous healing as a student of his, and I heard how this could also be accomplished via his paintings. Did I mention my sister lives in New York, I am in Los Angeles and Joseph in Vancouver? Sounds like a long shot, right? Turns out I’m a fan of long shots. Tell me no and I’ll make it a yes, and this was no exception, but I must give credit where credit is due. I asked Joseph if and how this could possibly work. Was there any way he could possibly help my sister? He explained that she need not see the painting in order to benefit from its healing power. It would be enough for me to gaze at it with the intention of her healing, good health, and well being. This was music to my ears! I did it for maybe a week or two and decided this was not enough, at least not for me.

I decided to take a photograph of the painting and frame it for my sister. I sent it to her and I kid you not, in less than another week or two I was seeing changes. Changes in her and in our conversations. They were no longer interrupted by the voice of her illness. I was suddenly speaking to her, not her illness, for 30 minutes or more at a time, and that was several months ago. I found an authenticity and longevity in Joseph’s paintings that I’d never seen before, not only in this painting but in others that were commissioned with the intention of healing other aspects of my life. I’ve seen the results in every aspect – my creativity, my relationship, my fulfillment and enjoyment of life – and these results seem to be increasing with each passing day.

As for my sister, though, it is clear to me that he reached her in way no medication ever could, and for that I will be forever grateful. Debbie is 65 today and though we are 3000 miles away, we are closer than ever before. On our last call, I thanked her for sharing a family memory I otherwise would have never known and she said, “I am opening up a whole new world for you!”

Thank you, Joseph, that is precisely what you have done for us.”

Samantha, California, USA

Title: Microbiology
Abstract Acrylic Energetic Pouring
10″ X 20″ X 1.5”
Painted: 10/11/2019

Title: Marine Biology
Abstract Acrylic Energetic Pouring
10″ X 20″ X 1.5”
Painted: 10/11/2019

Title: Ecology
Abstract Acrylic Pouring
10″ X 20″ X 1.5” / 25.4 cm X 50.8 cm X 3.81 cm Canvas
Painted: 10/11/2019


“When Joseph was first starting out, I fell in love with many of his pieces displayed at the seminar I attended.  Before flying back to the USA, I picked the three companion pieces because I could see them hanging on the wall at home.  There was something unique about how the paintings were done that caught my eye as well.  I get lots of compliments on them from others who visit my home.”

Karen Edwards Fu, California, USA

Title: Sunset Incoming Tide
Abstract Acrylic Energetic Painting
16” X 20” X 0.5”
Painted: 1/12/2019


“We have the pleasure of owning one of Joseph’s original paintings.  The work is a wonderful abstract that Joseph has activated with Joy, which it brings to light every day.  I would encourage anyone to experience a beautiful work of art that has positive emotions attached.”

John Brander, Ontario, Canada


“Every morning I look forward to turning on a light in our family room that shines directly on Joseph’s painting. As I gaze at the brilliant colours in the art, I feel sensations in my core as if something inside of me is being rearranged and uplifted. Thank you so much Joseph for this spectacular piece! It brings Joy to our home every day.”

Maura C. Ryan, Intuitive Artist, Ontario, Canada

Title: The Re-Emergence Of Atlantis
Abstract Acrylic Energetic Painting
24” X 36” X 1.5”
Painted: 2021

Title: 5D Atlantis
Abstract Acrylic Energetic Painting
24” X 36” X 1.5”
Painted: 2021

Title: Tree of Life
Abstract Acrylic Energetic Painting
31.5” X 47.5” X 1.5”
Painted: 2022


“I am happy to say that four of Joseph’s infused paintings have found a home in mine.  Joseph is a gifted artist with the uncanny ability to channel healing energy into his artwork. He is on a mission to assist artists with the expression of their creativity, and that is precisely what he has done for me.”

Samantha, California, USA

At Last, I Was Free

Joseph’s meditations are unlike any others. They helped me see things in a different way, things that have been holding me back my entire life. I was completely unaware of why I wasn’t happy in my life and why I wasn’t living my dream, unable to fulfill my destiny, until I started to understand why I did the things I did – things I had been punishing myself for decades. It wasn’t until I realized that I actually created every one of the situations I thought I was the victim of, consciously or unconsciously, that I realized I had the power to choose to do things differently. I actually had the power all along, but I couldn’t tap into it, and it was eating me up inside. I was at one of the darkest periods in my life when I met Joseph, and I realized that what I’d heard before was true – when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

I was ready to do something different because everything else I tried wasn’t working. I heard that voice in my head that told me it was too expensive – no way could I spend that kind of money on therapy. But this wasn’t therapy; it was a chance to finally, once and for all, get answers to all the unanswered questions. It was a chance to find peace, a peace I never thought I could find. It was a chance to be happy, the happiness I thought I didn’t deserve. You can’t put a price on that. It was a chance to let go of patterns and ways of thinking I thought I couldn’t live without when I actually couldn’t live WITH them any longer. The money I thought I didn’t have to attend Joseph’s classes was the best money I ever spent – it was worth it!

Soul To Soul Connection Level 1 prepared me for the Chakra Release Series – Base Chakra and confirmed what I knew from a very young age but could never put my finger on – that there is so much more to life than we think and that we are never alone. The Chakra Series addressed pain I had been holding in my body from traumas I had experienced since I was a child and traumas I watched others experience.

Had you told me that the pain would go away during the meditations and that I would find myself freer with each one, I would never have believed you? It was as if a weight I had carried for so long had been lifted. Again. And again. And again. How could it be?

For the first time, after a lifetime of asking questions, it didn’t matter. At last, I was free. So, if you think you can’t afford to try something different, think again. You can’t afford not to. And you are worth it! Where there is a will, there is a way. Joseph will work with you, and he will never tell you what to do or judge you for what you might not be ready to do. He will help you see that the power to do anything you want to do – what you know you are here to do – is within YOU.

His book, “I Choose… Rewire Your Subconscious With Ease”, will help you see that you and you alone have the power to change your life – but you don’t have to do it alone. If nothing else, start there, and you will see what I mean. Or do what I did and jump in.

You will not be sorry you did.


Extraordinary Results ~ Extraordinary Man ~ Extraordinary New You

I was initially drawn to Joseph’s blueprint numerology session in Victoria, BC and in listening to my intuitive senses, that gentle little tug on my heart strings which whispers ‘yes’, I was led to the next stepping stones of our energetically connected evolution of souls.

The path with Joseph was deep, rugged and my ego withstood a few bruises as we dove into the muddy waters, yet this delicate journey brought me home to the deepest essence of myself. On the other side of the jagged rocks, I found this beautiful, amazingly powerful woman, CEO of her world, who I’ve come to understand had lost sight of her mission in the maze of hazy, clouded illusions, one of perfected stories and twisted perceptions built up through emotional shut-downs from many past experiences. A special key was placed in my hands by Joseph, one my heart sensed would take me places I’d left behind in my basket of ‘never in my wildest dreams’, so I plunged in, releasing my death grip on my security blanket of excuses and discovered how to unlock the door of my own self-created cage from the inside.

Brilliant choice-points led me to discover many unknown blessings from family experiences, and when I learned to look with eyes wide open, I could see all of my imperfections too and still fall deeply madly in love with my authentic self anyway. The energetic blueprint of my heart collided with pure potentially ~ and what a fiery combination that was! The day I realized I’d found exactly who I’d been searching for my whole life, I was standing in awe of the very powerful human being reflected back to me in the mirror, happy tears of joy welled up in my eye when I realized, ‘OMG! You’re the one I’ve been waiting for!’

I feel so grateful to be reaping all these beautiful gifts of sheer amazement of just being alive, and experiencing many magical moments of pure connection where things arrive to me with effortless ease, but which tickle the deepest parts of my heart and soul. The craziest part is all this magic was right there in front of me waiting for me to unlock my light from within and SHINE from the depths of my heart and soul, and honestly, what better place to begin a new journey of creative expression from such an amazing unshakable foundation, sharing my unique, precious gifts on a global level.

Joseph’s style is kick-ass & straight-forward! He’s an amazing teacher, a highly spiritual being connected to realms who’ll direct you to places you’ve only yearned to go. I highly recommend Joseph for anyone who’s ready to drop the ‘security blanket’ of excuses and play life full on! Trust me when I say, Joseph is very capable of taking you places you only dreamed possible, and far, far beyond his program titles indicate, if only YOU COMMIT to the WORK!

Extraordinary results ~ extraordinary man ~ extraordinary new you ~ why not? What’s stopping you?

Deb English
Celtic Mystic Healing Circles

Look for the Emotional Shift

I recently completed the Soul to Soul Connection Master Class. The online program focuses on cutting any “soul agreements” with people where you are still feeling some negative emotions around. Working with my “inner child” and remembering earlier times in my life was quite an eye-opener for me. Joseph’s program requires that you do the work, clearing and ending agreements through meditations, cord cutting, chakra clearing, and forgiving letters.

One of the key aspects that I took away are the tools that I can use anytime I feel uncomfortable with someone, or, wonder why they are in my life. I was also surprised at some of the memories that came up for me about situations/people I had long forgotten and didn’t really want to remember. However, that’s where the real work begins! Once you’ve done the clearing and cutting you will have a different appreciation for people who came (or will come) into your life – look for the emotional shift.

I also loved referring to Dr. David Hawkins’ “Map of Consciousness” and moving through the lower energy vibrations. Joseph is extremely generous with his time and knowledge. If you know you have “soul agreements” that are keeping you stuck – this is a “must do” course for you!

Dana Smithers
Law of Attraction Coach ~ Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

Deeper Insight and Connection to My Inner Child

Soul 2 Soul Connection Level 2 gave me a deeper insight and connection to my inner child. I felt doing this program allowed me to release any fear that I had in regards to taking personal responsibility for life choices that I have made. I was finally able to release and understand the true meaning of forgiveness. It brought me to a level of peace and love for myself that I am truly grateful for.

Making this commitment to myself has assisted me in coming into my own power in life, no longer feeling disillusioned by limiting beliefs that were not serving me. It gave me newfound clarity on life, purpose, and what it’s all really about.

Joseph’s truth and knowledge was and continues to be powerful in shifting my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual paradigm. He empowered me to step into my personal responsibility and into the driver seat of my own life. I am truly grateful for his work and being. There is no amount of words that can describe the power behind Joseph and his programs, and it’s something I highly recommend you do for yourself.

Marianne H. Bracco

Great Insight and Growth for Myself

I have been a client/student and a friend of Joseph’s well over 6 years now, and have taken many of his profound workshops and programs, with great insight and growth for myself.

Soul to Soul Connection Level 2, however, has taken me to a new level of awareness, I was not aware I could be. My heightened awareness of love, joy, and enlightenment, and my better relationship with my guides is incredible. I am in awe with Joseph and Soul to Soul Connection 2. Just when you think he has outdone himself, he creates another program that helps bring you to a new level of light for yourself.

Thank you, Joseph, for the program. I look forward to more of your new programs. You uniquely find the perfect button to push to help us our brightest.

Kelly-Mae Glover

Empowering Self-Awareness

If you want to learn how to do crazy energy work that allows you to keep on growing and ensures your sovereignty, take Soul to Soul Connection Level 2.

“Soul to Soul Connection Level 2” is an up-leveling from Level 1, where-in the lifelong useful methods for creating emotional releases are now replaced with empowering self-awareness, focused vision, and a lifetime ability for creating true happiness and internal harmony. This is priceless.”

You are truly awesome, Joseph. Not many people in the world would stick their heads out, let alone dedicate their lives to uplifting the lives of others. Being who you are, so open, so neutral, so loving is the greatest gift you can ever give. Thank you… may you, your loved ones, and your tribe prosper eternally.

Rawia F. Beyhum

Connected to My Purpose

I have been doing my inner healing work for about 20 years now, and I have worked with many different healers globally.

I started working with Joseph just over a year ago, and the shifts that I have made are far deeper rooted (working with past lifetimes) and far more deUnite (meaning most emotions are cleared for good). He has taught me to start living NOW and that the “healing journey” does not have to be long and arduous.

I can say that I have released the grip of many emotions that used to hold a lot of weight in my life. They used to bog me down. The emotions that WERE deeper rooted are much less now, and I have the tools to completely eradicate them.

I spend more of my time experiencing pure joy, deeper more meaningful connections, and I am connected to my purpose.

I love myself more than I ever did before, and I have more of me to offer the world. This has been the best investment of my time and energy spent on myself.

I started to learn how to manage spending more time in my feminine energy, embracing my creativity, and I’ve started painting.

Every program that I have taken with Joseph just blows all of my expectations out of the water. I have no words for how much Soul to Soul 2 changed my life, in every way!

Nadika Viswakula

Stepping Into Who I Am Meant to Be

Having recently finished the Soul to Soul Connection Level 2 program, I can honestly say these programs [Levels 1 and 2] were two of the best I have ever taken! Most of my adult life, I have been searching and seeking, looking for something [I wasn’t quite sure what] … to make my life better; make me happier, content, the elusive work/life balance. I have done many personal development programs/workshops/seminars over the years. And I can say without hesitation through these two programs, I have finally found the stability, the peace, and the inner joy I have been looking for.

It felt like Joseph held my hand through the first program. I took baby steps. But the more I did the work of clearing the low vibration emotions, the better I felt, and the more my life seemed to come together. Last year was the first Thanksgiving and Christmas ever that everyone got along. I can be with my family, and they no longer triggered me. Level 2 was a whole different ball game … we were responsible for doing the work when we got triggered. It felt scary and empowering at the same time. The conversation was different. But Joseph had my back the whole time. I never felt alone, and this in itself was huge.

For the first time in my life, I am not asking others what they think I should do. I am making the decisions entirely for what is right for me. I am trusting myself and taking care of myself at a level I never really understood until now. I am finally stepping into who I am meant to be, and I feel sure about who I am and what I have to offer the world. I have found what I was looking for … me.

Yohanna Hestler

Accommodate Life’s Challenges with Total Ease

I have just completed Soul to Soul Connection Level 1 and 2 with Joseph. I really admire his dedication to his students and his generosity with his time.

Living with ease requires a long-time soul search, and Joseph stuck with us without limitations. His coaching calls, support programs, meditations, and 1:1 consultations provide a well-rounded curriculum guiding us towards happiness, joy, and fulfillment. Joseph truly is a gifted teacher! Joseph’s program Soul to Soul Connection, Level 1 and Level 2, takes you through an intimate exploration of self-starting in early childhood. The progression is liberating as you make your way to the higher states of consciousness: love, joy, and peace. You will Und that your world view shifts, allowing you to accommodate life’s challenges with total ease.

Jane Bradner

Sparked a Deeper Creative Force Within Me

Joseph, thank you so much for offering to Awaken the Artist Within. It had been many years since I painted, and when I first signed up for the program, I wondered if I’d be able to get in the groove of painting again.

As it turns out, your program rekindled the joy I have of painting and sparked a deeper creative force within me than I thought possible. I’ve especially enjoyed trying out new styles and ways of approaching the process, letting go of perfectionism as I do so. At a time in my life when I’ve been wanting happier experiences and a new outlet to explore my creativity, this course was perfect. Although I consider myself a rather inexperienced artist, I’m already feeling the urge to develop my skills and offer paintings for sale…what a surprise!

Much appreciation Joseph; you are an inspiration.

Maura C. Ryan – Intuitive Coach

Buckle Your Seatbelt

I joined my first “Awaken the Artist Within” class with Joseph one year and a half after meeting Joseph and embarking upon their wildest personal awareness and growth experience I have ever encountered. I speak from my heart as I write that this experience has taken away all the nagging loose ends of something that is missing and all the guilt and shame along with it. I am working hard at it to fulfill my purpose.

What really surprised me was the feeling that came up as I started to paint, having never painted before. As I let go of inhibitions and the need to create something perfect (how ridiculous, eh?) I had joy rise up in me that I had never felt before. Confidence, self-assuredness, peace, and calm became a constant way of being. Very new for me. My classmates have become family, and the classroom has become a place to share deeply, create freely, and feel tremendous satisfaction.

If you are considering taking the class, buckle your seatbelt.

Marc Gordon Rossum – Owner at MGR Fish Ltd

One of the Best Things I Have Done for Myself

Taking the Awaken the Artist Within painting class was one of the best things I have done for myself this year. Not only did it re-kindle my love for painting. But it allowed me (through the meditation) to go deeper and release things I didn’t realize I was holding. It has inspired me, it has awoken in me joy, play, fun … and reminding me it doesn’t need to be perfect or look good … To get out of my head and just have fun!

Yohanna Hestler – Inner Alignment Alchemy

Opened My Eyes

Joseph’s newest offering, Awaken the Artist Within program, opened my eyes by tapping into my own dormant creative gifts. I’ve really enjoyed the immersion of being within my heart and releasing other blocks while painting for the sake of expressing and enjoyment. It’s given me the incentive and assurance of exploring other creative outlets and expanding with that brings me happiness, satisfaction, and joy.

Stefan Sczyrba

Brought Me Back to Life

Joseph’s Awaken the Artist Within Program brought me back to life. I had long ago stopped creating paintings, only dabbling on occasion, never with any clarity or focus, often ending in frustration, as I wiped off canvas after canvas, not knowing what I wanted to create.

Now in a single session, I can create 3 paintings, one right after another, as the row of creative energy guides my hand. With not a single thought in my mind, I create the most beautiful paintings. I find pleasure and satisfaction in them. I am calm and content upon completion. Whatever emotions I had pent up are released, no matter what the emotion is, it rows freely onto the canvas in a full spectrum of color.

Thank you, Joseph, for returning my passion and my joy, rejuvenating my life, giving me energy, confidence, and the vibrancy of my youth once again.

Anastacia Lynn Jayet

Crucial Part of My Personal Journey

Joseph’s course “Awakening the Artist Within” has been a crucial part of my personal journey. Not only am I an artist, but I’m also someone searching for a deeper meaning and purpose in life. Joseph has helped me to see and understand the connection between all of these.

Leading up to the course, I had been experiencing creative blocks and had the sense that I had been limiting myself from what is actually possible. Joseph is helping me to open up my creativity to a whole new level. To be more open, curious, playful, more eager to look at new possibilities, and to dedicate more time to what I actually need for myself to be a healthy and whole human being. Being an artist is so much more than technique. Joseph understands this.

I highly recommend Joseph’s course for anyone looking to deepen their relationship with themselves and with their creativity. I can’t thank you enough, Joseph, for helping me to see what’s already within me.

Scotty Colin

Bringing Joy to My Creativity

Joseph’s Awaken the Artist Within program has released obstacles I had around expression and immediately brought in the courage and confidence to explore a latent gift to the full. I am powerfully drawn to exploring this Held further, after such clear guidance in trusting my intuition and bringing joy to my creativity.

Rawia F. Beyhum

A Program That Lives Up to Its Name

“Awaken The Artist Within” did just that for me. I was struggling with severe writer’s block when I started this program, and I am currently celebrating the return of my creative self upon its completion. If you had told me back then that not only would I be writing again, more abundantly than before, but also painting, I would have never believed you. “Me? A painter? Never. I can’t even draw.” But this wasn’t about drawing. It wasn’t even about believing in myself. It was about taking a chance. A risk. When’s the last time you took a chance? What have you got to lose? Nothing. Actually, I did lose something. My addiction to thinking. What a relief! Instead of laboriously trying to figure things out 24/7, my brain could suddenly relax. I started to “feel” for the first time in my life, and painting allowed me to do that. So never say never! In fact, don’t say anything. Just do it! You’ll be happy you did.
