Co-Creating and Recoupling Your Relationship with Your Soul and God

Awakening The Spiritual Truth of Who You Are

Your Journey to Self is a personal journey but you don’t have to go it alone.

We believe we have to but it can take longer and it is not necessary.

I dare you to commit this year to just doing you.

I dare you to commit this year to just becoming aware of Self.

I dare you to commit this year to just connecting with your core.

Time to finally step into your full potential, going all in, no matter what anyone thinks.

So often we hesitate to really dream of what’s possible in life because we’re secretly afraid it won’t ever happen.

The truth is you are worthy of your desires.

If the dream is in you, it’s for you.

My Story

52 years ago, I had the courage to start to trust in something I didn’t even understand, but what I was being shown brought me down a path where I’d  discover my gifts with the world.

My journey really started when I was 8 years old. At that moment, I had gazed at the sun for so long (Please do not do that) that I thought I lost my eye sight, but then I discovered I was simply starting to see things.

What things was I seeing, you might ask?

You have to remember I was 8 years old, so I had no clue what I was looking for. I saw lots of numbers that didn’t make any sense. I saw the older version of myself and what I was doing. I did not even understand what I was looking at. I saw my true essence. I saw many events that happened later. I saw a world where I wasn’t happy with its state and I was asking if I had a lot of work to do. I did not understand anything. I really mean it that I had no clue but so many events that occurred in those 7 years of clairvoyant awakening helped me build the trust in myself, my trust in God, and my trust in my Soul. I actually wasn’t even aware of the concept of the soul. I only had my awareness of God. It was the only time I felt connected with my body.

One thing I never saw was my guides or even angels. I felt so safe, so trusting, so protected. I was happy and kind and enjoyed my little encounter in secret, but eventually I was pushed to come back HOME and Recouple myself to God and be the instrument linking the spiritual side and the physical side.

Life was great at that point. I was even aware of the responsibility I was putting onto myself. I was connected to earth and felt that all I had was a mission, a big one, and I couldn’t be distracted. I did really protect it at that point the best way I knew how.

I invite you to join me to arise and awaken your spiritual connection with your physical Self and be part of the Ascension and Star Seed you all are here at this time and space for… To Serve Humanity.

This mediumship program is like no other as you will discover your core, your essence and your God. Let’s co-create with that infinite light in you to radiate and shine through you.

Co-creation is engaging in an intentional relationship in order to make something together. Co-creating is usually making something from nothing, using the dynamics of the relationship to build it. 

Recoupling is the act of joining or connecting things that have become separated.

Have you experienced that whatever you do in your past
always brings you back to the same old results?

What a moment to start the year bridging that disconnection from our Soul and God, and bringing Universal Love and enlightenment!

We all have to pursue our own experiences in life, but sometimes where we end up can leave us separated from the oneness we have with our Soul and our God.

It is time to dream big again together with your essence and come back HOME.

The hour provides a fortunate opportunity to encourage and strengthen existing relationships with your core and essence and bring back your core values, bringing a more a more purposeful meaning to your life.

This is my invitation for you today to join in order to Recouple back with your Soul and God with the number 8 & ∞ (infinity).

This program might not be for everyone at this moment, but it can be very enlightening to those of you who have a deep feeling that there is more to you than the daily life routine you’ve been living.

This program is NOT a discussion program but directly a practice and hands on discovery of who you are, helping you to relate in a better way to your Human Soul and bridging yourself, your life, and your experiences with your calling or mission on earth.

This program is 2 sets of 8 weeks each for a total of 16 weeks, separated by a small break in order for you to practice what you received and bring your spiritual awakening to be part of who you are.

You will grow with this program in all areas of your physical life, Soul connection, and your relationship with God.

This program is a channeled program so I will ignite the broken links to your connection with your Soul with Light Seat on every call.

This program will be your link with your calling and connection with Soul and God.

Co-Creating and Recoupling Your Relationship with Your Soul and God

Awakening The Spiritual Truth of Who You Are…

Next Class Starts:


Not sure if the program is right for you? Book a free 30-minute call with Joseph to ask questions and see if it’s a good fit for your needs!