Breaking Free in 2024: Unraveling the Karmic Threads of Money and Power
2024 is an 8-year universal that reflects Money, Power, and Achieving Recognition, and 8 is also Karmic or our karma. We are here to close the flow of that energy creeping on us for many lifetimes, and we still feel stuck.
This year that can break many of us who insist on the fact that we are not good enough; they are hiding, they give their power away to other people and are always playing small so others can control them.
In most cases, those people are always looking for a savior and someone to save them.
That will never happen because they keep attracting their negative attributes to their old situation or story and constantly expect the relation, so they never give even the chance to the Universe to bring them a new change.
At the same time, they cling to the negativity in their life.
On that note, the Universe can NOT go against your Free Will, so you are in the way of your success, prosperity, abundance, and love.
You chose to hold on to your past, pattern, and unconscious stagnation in any area of your life.
How many people, including yourself, have money issues or sabotaging patterns, fear of power, and fear of being recognized?
And one big one for every person who claims they are a workaholic: are they doing it because they have, or are you avoiding addressing the things you need to address at home or in your life?
So, welcome to your year in 2024.
I mentioned earlier that eight is karmic and karma itself.
Technically, we live in a matrix that we always do our best to escape.
I always called our life as being recycled.
In 2024, we have two 2s, a 0 and 4, and by adding them, it is equal to 8.
People with shaky relationships will be affected and hiding in the backseat.
Four is about our structures on all levels of life, for example, mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual; so many old ones are falling, and no one can do anything about it unless we allow it.
Governments and companies who have been abusing power for centuries by enslaving humanity will be falling from all over the world as we enter a Universal Year 8, and many of our old structures, even our Matrix that humanity feels living in prison, will be falling.
Then comes the eight vibrations as we abuse power, abuse of our gifts, and financial institutions, as eight is about money failing this year.
That all will happen on a worldwide scale.
Many of you might ask and be concerned then – How do I need to address this year myself as an individual?
As we said earlier, 2024 is a Universal Year. We also have our nine 9-year cycle individual in your Blueprint Numerology Chart, and each one of us is differently processed this year according to your 9-year and Attainment in your chart according to your age.
If you want me to have your chart read, sign up for my Blueprint Numerology chart today to put you on the right track.
As well this year might also be destructive for many of us because removing everything from under our feet is like the fall of a tower and shaking our foundation; at the same time, this year can be the most rewarding year for many of us who addressed their life and build their life in all areas on a solid foundation.
This year will be as it is for all of us.
How can we tell if we are on the negative or positive side of life by just watching the events that have happened to us since December 2023?
Are we getting sick or in pain?
Are we attracting accidents to slow us down?
Are we seeing our infrastructure getting shaken?
Also, that is all well said.
We all have the timing of falling or abundant success according to our own nine 9-year cycle and our Attainment from our chart.
Unfortunately, many of our friends and family might decide to leave us because they gave up on themselves, even though it is not the answer to leave.
As human Souls, we are to experience the once-in-a-lifetime change occurring in our Consciousness and the great awakening.
We are here to witness it, evolve, and create and co-create a new version of ourselves.
The question asked is how we got to this point.
So, I decided to go for the last nine years of Universal.
Are you ready to see it as it is? It all started as I usually like to from the previous 9-year Universal.
I do the same with the 9-Year Cycle on a personal level.
9-Year Universal is all about events that can affect us worldwide, including the government and the people running the world.
The 9-Year Cycle is more concerned about our lives as individuals, and the 9 Year, when it happens, helps us let go of what is no longer serving us.
When we don’t let go, we repeat the same patterns and habits of the last 9 Year Cycle.
And we all experienced that throughout our life.
This year is the most critical nine-year Universal we have in all our human Consciousness as humanity is going nowhere, and the awakened amongst you probably felt it or saw it as it is.
We lost many of our birthrights as humans as a small group who wants us eliminated and enslaved.
We all work hard.
Overpaying taxes that most of it funnels to a black hole, and no one knows where it all went.
Many of us are afraid of the unknown, fearful of using our gifts, afraid to stand up for our rights, afraid to be heard and seen.
Even if you are well off and even rich, all can be taken from under you the moment they move the rug from under you to feel you are as free as you thought you were.
We are not free, and Covid proved that none of us are free.
It would help if you aboded by staying in your home, putting on a mask, and getting vaccinated, and many did. Does that sound familiar?
The 1% are in control of humanity and playing with us as “We the People” the way they choose.
That happened just because they are strong.
No, it was because we allowed them as the majority, and we were distracted by false events, shining objects to be distracted, our arousals, our lust then dividing us among ourselves and even going all to the family, making fights with each other on things no one understands what they are talking about.
Our most extensive separation is about being a man or being a woman.
The following 9-year Universal is in 2025 by adding 2+0+2+5 = 9, so the next year is another big year, too.
Nine is about the end of a situation to start a new beginning, and we did start a new beginning in 2016, which was the last 9-Year Universal.
We were all talking about the changes coming to our Consciousness, and 5D is approaching us, and there is a shift on its way to the New Earth.
What happened in 2016 was an interrupter 9 Year Universal?
A great deal has already occurred in the Consciousness whether we agree with it or not.
It does not matter what we believe, but it has to be taken in our Consciousness while the Universe prepares for a significant shift in our Consciousness and our world.
Trump’s election despite the fact all odds were against him.
That was the interrupter for an old system that does not serve humanity.
How does the 9-Year Universal work?
We are getting ready for humanity’s movement from 3D Consciousness to 5D Consciousness, and the road will be more challenging than more challenging than it sounds.
We are entering to the New Earth.
To move quickly or peacefully, we need to drop many facets of our old paradigm that are no longer working to have the most feeling of absolute authentic freedom on the physical level and the authentic freedom of our Souls.
I found it fascinating that Trump started it in the last nine years of Universal in 2016 (2+1+0+6=9).
When he wins the election and takes the white house in 2025(2+0+2+5 =9), he will end the situation to start something new and take it back, ending the problem; we are to begin the new Consciousness, too.
That is divinely orchestrated.
In light!
Joseph Boutros Agape (Ghabi)